Somali Canadian Youth Centre
The Somali Canadian Youth Centre (SCYC) provides advocacy, educational programs, leadership training, social services and broad supports that are culturally sensitive to youth and their families in the Ottawa area.
The Somali Canadian Youth Centre (SCYC) provides advocacy, educational programs, leadership training, social services and broad supports that are culturally sensitive to youth and their families in the Ottawa area.
July 12, 2018: President Hodan Egale organized and hosted this conference on July 12, 2018 to bring together at round tables for discussion community youth, police officers, politicians, and others to discuss and share thoughts on current issues.
October 29, 2018: Hodan Egale was appointed to the new Community Equity Council, advising the police services in Ottawa. See link:
Since its inception in 2006, the mission of the Somali Canadian Youth Centre has been to help youth become contributing citizens. To further our mission we deliver various services, programs and support as required. We emphasize positive growth in youth, to develop the next generation of leaders and to prevent or reduce antisocial behaviour and recidivism. SCYC is focused on creating a better future for at-risk youth.
This project works toward building cooperation and cohesiveness in the Somali-Canadian community in Ottawa. This project is in the design phase, but is an urgent priority for the SCYC. We are working with others to collaborate on a a community priority. Significant steps forward have been taken by our President, Hodan Egale who has been named to the Police “Community Equity Council” on October 29, 2018. Additionally, President Egale organized a well-attended, very successful conference “Initiating Positive Change” held on July 12, 2018. See photos at gallery below.
This Initiative is to build positive outcomes in co-operation with partners to honour the memory of Mr. Abdirahman Abdi. Our public stance is that we believe it is premature to judge both the actions of the Ottawa Police Services and the actions of Mr. Abdi until more of the facts are established and made public. We believe that change is necessary in the mandate and operation of the Special Investigations Unit. We believe that there are several other options to consider for positive change and we are working toward these.
The SCYC launches individualized culturally sensitive support for Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre inmates to connect with the Exit Strategy developed by the Crime Prevention Council and their partners. This project has been underway in the planning, networking, and approvals phase for many months. We are proud to announce the award of a significant grant from the Ottawa Community Foundation to fund the work of this collaborative project. Discussions with partners are underway for the commencement of the project.
We have been conducting employment workshops across the City in various schools to provide an introduction to job search tools and preparedness. Update - Feb, 2018
Our services include simple basics such as emergency transportation (to hospitals, courts, other institutions), caring advice to parents and youth in crisis, and attendance with parties in court, in hospital, and at hearings of various kinds.
We provide support with affidavits, correspondence, and other documentation, translation, logistical support for parents, networking through the various social services and legal offices seeking answers, connecting with law firms, fundraising for retainers, and attending at political offices to request help or guidance for such individuals in need.
The subject matter included is family law, immigration, health care, employment, criminal justice and more.
The SCYC responds to community needs by bringing together members of the public on issues of concern. We do this to generate debate, share information, match guest presenters with the needs of the community and generate outcomes. There have been several Townhalls held in the past years.
We are planning an upcoming Townhall Meeting on a foundational issue for the Somali-Canadian community in Ottawa, and will be reaching out to youth to invite them to inform and grow the issue at hand. This meeting will be held February 27. Details circulated by flyer.
The Next Generation: Leadership Speaker Series (TNG) is a successful pilot project begun in 2014 to develop, inspire and motivate young adults with exceptional promise to learn from leaders in Ottawa who have a message to share. These Speakers meet with student candidates at a series of evening sessions to tell their personal stories and answer questions. Our exceptional Speakers in the past have included Councillor Eli El-Chantiry, Police Superintendent Dan Delaney, all the candidates from the provincial election, Carl Nicholson, and Dr. Caroline Andrew. Each student participant receives a leadership certificate issued by the Somali Canadian Youth Centre, upon completion of the series.
TNG Leadership Speaker Series is offered bi-annually in the fall and spring terms, subject to funding. Contact us if you would like to apply to attend the next session, so that we can send you the start date and program.
We are a flexible organization finding our unique niche amongst an integrated network of partners in Ottawa. To encompass the largest group of people, the SCYC includes individuals from 8 years to 30 years of age as "youth". This has enabled us to provide such varied things as T-shirts and other support to an after school basketball team, political debate practice for very young boys and girls under 10 years of age, workshops on leadership to teens, and personal visits to men in their twenties in provincial jail. The SCYC has responded to an Ottawa Police Services call for potential recruits from the Somali-Canadian community by referring a dozen candidates for the interview and information session. The range of support we provide is wide, as it changes to accommodate community need, our skills, and our resources.
The SCYC organizes workshops as part of our leadership training, and in response to circumstances.
Hodan Egale, our Vice President at the time, speaks to the CBC after the 2016 Police Oversight hearings.
Front row L-R: Khadra Ali, Hodan Egale, Hawa Farah. Back row L-R: Faisal Jama, Mohamoud S. Farah, Gary Craigs.
Faisal Jama, Executive Director of the SCYC announces, "At a meeting on July 7, 2017, the members selected two new board members, and approved a new Executive team, from amongst the more experienced members. Our new President, Hodan Egale, will serve us with the experience and leadership gained from three years in the position of Vice President. The Executive also includes newly elected Gary Craigs as Vice President, Khadra Ali as Treasurer, both of whom have served for more than five years, and Hawa Farah as Secretary."